Vyvanse: Now approved for adults with ADHD.
This is what successful
ADHD management
could look like.
Fran's ADHD sym ptom s weren't
controlled during her day. She had trouble
focusing and finishing her work.
In a clinical study of adults with ADHD,
once d aily Vyvanse significantly im proved
sym ptom s of inattention (e.g. lack of focus),
hyperactivity, and impulsivity within one week.
Ask your doctor about Vyvanse.
1-866-630-1283, www.vyvanse.com
* -
• *- 'dimesylate) capsules
Vyvanse is indicated fo r the tre a tm e n t o f ADHD. Efficacy based on tw o controlled
trials in children aged 6 to 12 and one controlled trial in adults.
Tell the doctor about any heart conditions, including structural abnor-
malities, that you, your child, or a family member, may have.
Inform the
d o cto r
im m e d ia t e ly
if you or your child develops sym ptom s th a t suggest heart
problem s, such as chest pain o r fainting.
Vyvanse should n ot be taken if you or your child has advanced disease o f the
blood vessels (arteriosclerosis); sym ptom atic heart disease; m oderate to severe
high b lood pressure; overactive th yro id gland (hyperthyroidism ); know n allergy
or unusual reactions to drugs called sym pathom im etic am ines (for example,
pseudoephedrine); seizures; glaucom a; a history o f problem s w ith alcohol or
drugs; agitated states; taken a m onoam ine oxidase in h ib ito r (MAOI) w ith in the
last 14 days.
Tell th e d o cto r
b e f o r e
taking Vyvanse if you o r your child is being treated for
or has sym ptom s o f depression (sadness, w orthlessness, o r hopelessness) or
bipolar disorder; has abnorm al th o u g h t o r visions, hears abnorm al sounds, or
has been diagnosed w ith psychosis; has had seizures or abnorm al EEGs; has o r has
had high blood pressure; exhibits aggressive behavior o r hostility. Tell the d octor
im m e d ia t e ly
if you or your child develops any o f these conditions or sym ptom s
w hile taking Vyvanse.
Abuse of amphetamines may lead to dependence. Misuse of amphetamine
may cause sudden death and serious cardiovascular adverse events. These
events have also been reported rarely with amphetamine use.
Vyvanse was generally w ell tolerated in clinical studies.
The m ost com m on
side effects reported in studies o f Vyvanse were:
c h ild r e n
- decreased appetite,
d ifficu lty falling asleep, stom achache, and irrita b ility;
a d u lt
- decreased appetite,
d ifficu lty falling asleep, and d ry m outh.
Aggression, new abnorm al thoughts/behaviors, m ania, g ro w th suppression,
w orsening o f m o tio n o r verbal tics, and Tourette's syndrom e have been associ-
ated w ith use o f drugs o f this type. Tell the d o cto r if you o r your child has blurred
vision w hile taking Vyvanse.
..your A D H D S u p p o rt C o m p a n y ™ © 2008 Shire US lnc.LD X 299808/08
You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. Visit www.fda.gov/medwatch, or call 1-800-FDA-1088.
Please see Patient Brief Summary of Full Prescribing Information on the following page.
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